5 days ago
5 days ago
Section 27 - Historical Background: It had been four months since the organization of the church and the saints had been partaking of the sacrament using bread and wine. After the baptism of Emma Smith along with others, a meeting was held for the confirmation to take place followed by the partaking of the sacrament. However, there was no wine available for the sacrament so Joseph set out to obtain some. He had not gone far when he was met by a Heavenly messenger who gave him this revelation directly from the Savior.
Recap: The emblems used in the Lord’s sacrament can be something other than bread and wine as long as they are partaken with an eye single to the glory of God and done in remembrance of the body and blood of Christ.
Section 28 - Historical Background: August of 1830 was a challenging time for both Joseph and Emma. The lies and persecution toward Joseph in Harmony reached the heart of Emma’s father who now refused any further refuge for Joseph and Emma. Harsh persecution forced Joseph and Emma to flee Harmony and move into the residence of the Whitmer’s home in Fayette. No sooner had they arrived when they learned that Hyrum Page, one of the eight witnesses, had claimed to be receiving revelations through a certain stone. Some members, including Oliver Cowdery, had been deceived by these claims. Joseph inquired of the Lord and received this revelation, directed to the deceived Oliver Cowdery.
Recap: The Lord declares that only His appointed prophet has the keys to receive revelation for His church, for all things must be done in order. He commands Oliver Cowdery to remedy the deceit which has spread due to the stone used by Hiram Page, and to counsel with Hiram privately. Once this Satanic deceit has been settled, Oliver is to go on a mission to the Lamanites
Sunday Mar 16, 2025
D & C 23 - 26 Inspiration and Trials - Seek for Things of a Better World
Sunday Mar 16, 2025
Sunday Mar 16, 2025
Section 23 - Historical Background: Shortly after the organization of the church, probably between April 6 to 11, 1830, Joseph was approached by five faithful men desiring to know their respective duties in the new church. These five individuals included Joseph’s father, Joseph Smith Sr, two brothers, Hyrum and Samuel Smith, Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Knight, Sr. Joseph inquired of the Lord and received this revelation.
- Recap: Oliver Cowdery was addressed first and warned against pride; urged to witness to others the truth; Hyrum was called to strengthen the church; Samuel was to work within the church for strengthening the members but not yet to preach outside the church; Joseph Knight Sr was also called to serve in the Kingdom forever and pray vocally and encouraged to join the church and take up his cross.
Section 24 - Historical Background: Immediately following the organization of the church, persecution came quickly and became intense. Joseph was harassed with arrests and had to evade mobs for safety. Joseph had begun to receive revelations concerning the book of Genesis which is recorded in the Pearl of Great Price, book of Moses. During these times of persecution and revelation, Joseph received the following revelation.
- Recap: Joseph is encouraged to magnify his office and to be patient in his afflictions; he is to seek safety among the members of the church; Oliver Cowdery is to be diligent in declaring the gospel, thinking nothing of himself, and he will receive strength.
Section 25 - Historical Background: The persecutions spewing against her husband Joseph had been a great trial for Emma Smith. Her uncle was a minister responsible for much of the persecution against Joseph, especially during the translation of the plates. This persecution drove Joseph and Emma from Harmony to Fayette, NY. Arrested and nearly mobbed several times, Joseph had to constantly flee. During this time, Emma had been faithful and supportive despite trials and hardships. Never had Emma seen the Gold Plates yet she didn’t complain. Now, however, Mary Whitmore had the privilege of seeing the plates. Feeling slighted, the Lord gave Emma this strengthening and comforting revelation calling Emma an “elect lady.”
- Recap: Emma is forgiven for her sins and is called an elect lady; she is to be Joseph’s scribe and to compile a hymnbook for the members. All members are called to beware of pride and to keep the commandments.
Section 26 - Historical Background: During the weeks since the publication of the Book of Mormon, Samuel Smith had been diligently trying to get people to buy the sacred book. Since there was nothing but hostility around Palmyra, he went 15 miles to the town of Mendon. Finally he returned home with all but 2 of the original books. He gave one of the books to a widow and the other went to a respected minister John Green. Reverend Green read the book, believed it and eagerly passed it on to Phineas Young and then to Brigham Young and Heber C Kimball, all reading and finding belief and conversion. This resulted in the uniting of converts and a strong branch of the church near Mendon. Meanwhile, Joseph, Oliver and John Whitmer were in Harmony wondering what they could do to exert themselves, and the following short revelation was given.
- Recap: The Lord tells Joseph, Oliver and John Whitmer to get involved in 4 things, namely the fervent study of the scriptures, the organization of the branch in Colesville, perform the essential work on their farmland and then to prepare for the next church conference. The importance of common consent is given.
Sunday Mar 09, 2025
D & C 20 - 22 The Rise of the Church of Jesus Christ
Sunday Mar 09, 2025
Sunday Mar 09, 2025
Section 20 - Historical Background: Following the first vision to the young boy Joseph Smith, God gradually proceeded to work towards the establishment of his church. The angel Moroni was sent to Joseph, then to the hidden gold plates to be translated and published as the Book of Mormon; the Aaronic Priesthood was restored followed by the Melchizedek priesthood. This section lays the foundation for the setting up of the governing laws of the Kingdom of God in these latter days.
- Recap: The precise day is given when the organization of the church is to occur; the names of the first 2 elders are announced; duties of the members of the church and of the quorums of the priesthood; specific wording of the baptismal and sacrament prayers are given.
Section 21 - Historical Background: In fulfillment of God’s commandment (see section 20), on April 6, 1830, the leaders of the church met together at the home of Peter Whitmer Sr to organize and establish the church in accordance to the laws of the nation. Six men were required to sign the corporate papers to give the church official status in the state of New York. The log cabin was crowded with families and friends who all raised their hands in approval of Joseph Smith as the first Elder of the Church and Oliver Cowdery as the second, and both as presiding officers. After these formalities were completed and the papers signed, the people traveled 6 miles to Seneca Lake. Those who desired to become members of the church were baptized. After returning to the Whitmer home in Fayette, this revelation was received.
- Recap: Records need to be maintained in the church; Joseph Smith will be called a seer, translator, prophet, apostle and elder of the church. Members of the church should look to the prophet for direction as if given by the Lord Himself; Oliver Cowdery to serve under Joseph to preach the gospel to the world.
Section 22 - Historical Background: Previous to the official organization of the church, people had been baptized for the remission of sins. Now it was required to be baptized again, this time as members of God’s church. Some people objected to needing baptism again. To resolve the confusion, Joseph received this revelation.
- Recap: All unauthorized covenants, including baptism, are null and void and “availeth him nothing” but must be done as authorized by God. The very reason for the restoration of the Gospel was to replace the “dead works” and unauthorized and obsolete ordinances of the past.
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
The Naked Communist
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Communism is one of the most fantastically, persuasive philosophies you will find outside of the truth.
Many people are astonished that well educated, loyal Americans would become patrons of this cult called Communism. A person only needs to get close to this alluring ideology, and unless you have a thorough understanding of sound governing principles, communism may prove to be a very seductive and impressive philosophy.
In this free land of America, we are competing against the criminal mind, those who feel they can take advantage of the politically ignorant. 'The Naked Communist' unveils the real communist with its ugly consequences and reveals how it is ever creeping into society. Outlined are the communist goals of conquering the ideas of American thought and distills years of research into countering the communist ideology.
Sunday Mar 02, 2025
D & C 19 Publishing the Book of Mormon
Sunday Mar 02, 2025
Sunday Mar 02, 2025
Section 19 - Historical Background: After the completion of the translation of the gold plates, Joseph returned to Palmyra to hire a publisher to print the manuscript, but was rejected by publishers in both Palmyra and Rochester. However, in August, 1829, Martin Harris was able to convince Grandin to publish the book but only after Martin securred the printing with one of his farms. Joseph instructed Oliver Cowdery to make 2 copies of the manuscript, one to hold under security and the other to be presented to the publisher. Oliver gradually brought only 26 pages each day for the printer to typeset. Meanwhile, Joseph returned to Harmony to be with Emma. However, in the midst of the printing process in Palmyra, everything came to a sudden stop when Grandin became frightened. He discovered the people of Palmyra had made a pact among themselves to boycott purchasing the book altogether. Without sales, Grandin would not get paid. Under these dire circumstances, Hyrum pleaded with Joseph to return to Palmyra and seek direction from the Lord. This revelation is the result, directed most particularly to Martin Harris.
- Recap: Every person must repent or suffer, which suffering is endless. The Lord then explains the meaning of “endless suffering” and “eternal punishment.” He then describes how terrible the suffering will be unless they repent, in which case they need not suffer at all because Christ has already suffered for the repentant.
- The Lord then directs Martin Harris to teach repentance and not the deeper doctrines as of yet; do not covet, pray vocally and remain humble. He then directs Martin to pay the printer’s debt of $3,000 so the Book of Mormon can be published, and finally to rejoice and sing Hosanna, for the Lord has come!
Sunday Feb 23, 2025
D & C 18 The Worth of Souls is Great
Sunday Feb 23, 2025
Sunday Feb 23, 2025
Section 18 - Historical Setting: Having witnessed the Gold Plates and the angel Moroni, Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer were anxious to establish and build the kingdom of God. The Lord gives some preparatory direction, but the fulness of the gospel contained in the Book of Mormon had not yet been published. It will be 9 months before another revelation is received, during which time the primary focus is to get the Lord's scriptures published for study.
- Recap: The worth of souls is great. Oliver and David are instructed to preach repentance as the Lord lays the groundwork for the restoration of the Gospel. They are given an assignment to seek out the twelve apostles in preparation for the organization of the Lord’s church. All the while, their very salvation is dependent on remaining faithful and keeping God’s commandments.
Monday Feb 17, 2025
The Life of George Washington: A Reflection on America's Founding Principles
Monday Feb 17, 2025
Monday Feb 17, 2025
Join us in this compelling episode featuring Dr. Skousen, the renowned author of "The Naked Communist" and "The Naked Capitalist," and the founder of the Freeman Institute. Dr. Skousen shares his profound insights on the origins of the United States, the founding fathers, and the enduring principles that have shaped the nation.
Dr. Skousen takes us on a journey through the life of George Washington, illuminating his unwavering faith, leadership, and the divine interventions that marked the American Revolution. He delves into Washington's character, recounts the struggles at Valley Forge, and highlights the miraculous events that led to the nation's independence.
As he reflects on the challenges faced by the early republic and the crafting of the U.S. Constitution, Dr. Skousen underscores the importance of returning to the foundational values that made America great. This episode is a tribute to the heroism and vision of the founding fathers and a call to preserve their legacy for future generations.
Sunday Feb 16, 2025
D & C 12 - 17 Divine Revelations and Witnesses to the Book of Mormon
Sunday Feb 16, 2025
Sunday Feb 16, 2025
Section 12 - Historical Background: Joseph Knight, a successful farmer living in Fayette, New York, was a loyal friend and former employer of Joseph Smith. Knowing Joseph Smith was translating the gold plates while in Harmony, Pennsylvania, Knight brought down a wagon of supplies to help Joseph and Emma. While there, he asked for a personal revelation, probably through the Urim and Thummim.
- Recap: The Lord confirms His divinity. Those who labor in His vineyard will be blessed and find salvation. Joseph Knight is counselled to be humble, loving, faithful and charitable.
Section 13 – Historical Background: While translating the plates, Joseph and Oliver were impressed with the subject of baptism which was frequently discussed in the record. Wondering what to do about their own baptism, they asked upon the Lord. As a result, a Heavenly manifestation opened before them as John the Baptist appeared and conferred the Aaronic priesthood upon Joseph and Oliver. Having this new authority, Joseph and Oliver baptized one another.
- Recap: John the Baptist confers the Aaronic Priesthood upon Joseph and Oliver, giving them authority to baptize into Christ’s church.
Sections 14-16 – Historical Background: After receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood from Peter, James and John, believed to have occurred in early June, 1829, the persecution in Harmony became severe. Joseph was instructed by the Lord to flee with Emma to Fayette, New York where the Whitmer family offered to share their small and modest home with them. Three of the Whitmer sons, David, John and Peter Jr, asked for personal revelations from Joseph.
- Recap: The Lord declares the divinity of these blessings, coming from God and not from Joseph. Counsel given to labor in the vineyard, keep God’s commandments and preach repentance. All were asked to endure to the end. Unfortunately, Peter was the only one who remained loyal to the Lord.
Section 17 – Historical Background: During the translation of the plates, it was learned that the Lord would establish the truthfulness of the record by three witnesses (see 2 Nephi 27:12 and Ether 5:4). Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer and Martin Harris all desired to be given the privilege of seeing the Gold Plates. Joseph inquired of the Lord concerning this, through the Urim and Thummim.
- Recap: Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer and Martin Harris are promised that if they have adequate faith, they will be allowed to not only see the Gold Plates, but also the breastplate, the sword of Laban, the Urim and Thummim, and the Liahona. They are commanded to use this witness to testify to the world of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and its translation by the gift and power of God.
Sunday Feb 09, 2025
D & C 10 - 11 The Lost Manuscript: A Revelation Restored
Sunday Feb 09, 2025
Sunday Feb 09, 2025
Section 10: Historical background: (Note: Chronologically, this section should follow section 3) Because of the lost manuscript of the Book of Lehi, Moroni had taken from Joseph the Gold Plates and the Urim and Thummim in July, 1828. Finally, in September, 1828, they were returned to Joseph after nearly 3 months of sorrow and repentance.
- Recap: Joseph is reprimanded by Moroni for allowing these sacred records to come into the hands of wicked men. Joseph is commanded not to retranslate the Book of Lehi, but, in order to thwart the evil design of Satan, he is to translate in its place the plates of Nephi, which is another record of Lehi and his family provided by the Lord who knew in advance the evil plan of the adversary.
Section 11 – Historical Background: While Joseph and Oliver were working on the translation, brother Hyrum sought to receive councel from Joseph regarding his desire to travel as a missionary to spread the message of the restored Gospel.
- Recap: Hyrum is commended for his desire to preach, but is counselled to wait a little while longer until he has learned more of the doctrine, for the Book of Mormon translation to be completed, and to be strengthened in his surety of the doctrine. He is told to patiently wait, and then is promised to be given the Spirit and power of God unto the convincing of the truth to others.
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
The Life of Thomas Jefferson
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
After completing the biography of "The Real Thomas Jefferson" with Andy Allison, W. Cleon Skousen gives a beautiful recap of the book and the life of this remarkable Founder. He portrays not only the life and legacy of Thomas Jefferson, but also the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, truly one of America's foremost founding fathers.
Jefferson's unyielding commitment to personal integrity, principles of liberty and self-determination launched his influential role in drafting the Declaration of Independence, principles of self-governance, and ultimately President of the United States.
Unknown to many casual history students, Jefferson had many trials, both personal and professional, including the deep sorrow from personal losses and the vengeful, scandalous accusations during his presidency.
Dr. Skousen provides insight into Jefferson's influence on American law and governance, his presidency, and his lasting impact on the nation's path towards freedom and democracy. A reflection on his visionary reforms in Virginia and his post-presidency years offers a comprehensive portrayal of his enduring contributions.